To: Members of the Bell County Bar Association
Re: Renewal of Membership
Dear Fellow Attorneys:
Thank you for your membership in the Bell County Bar Association!
Renewal of your membership is open as of June 1, 2015. The payment of dues will reflect you are in ‘good standing’ with the Bar Association and are entitled to the many benefits that membership provides such as:
- FREE CLE at the Fall and Spring Bench Bar Conferences;
- The option to have FREE ADVERTISING for your law practice for members only at,;
- FREE CLE events sponsored by this Bar Association, and hosted by local judges and elected officials. Judge DePew is currently hosting Juvenile Law CLE events and Judge Jezek has also provided FREE CLE to Bar members;
- SUPPORT of our Community Service opportunities through the bi-annual Veterans Clinics, Adoption Day, School education programs; and
- Spring and Fall Golf Tournaments.
Please fill out the membership application available here at your earliest convenience to renew your membership. Checks (payable to BCBA) and applications can be mailed to PO Box 282, Belton, TX 76513. If you prefer to pay by credit card, follow the instructions on the application.
Ours is a vibrant and involved Bar Association, well respected at the State level. Thank you for your participation.