Bell County Defense Attorney Important Information
Securus video calls
Our office has been successful in working an agreement with Securus which will allow a free visit with your client using the Securus video call system. To be able to access the Securus program you will need to register before you can use it. Securus has agreed to provide this free of charge service by providing promotion codes (coupons) that you will use to enter the Securus system. In reaching an agreement with Securus we agreed that these coupons should only be used for the purpose of contacting your client for finalizing the necessary plea papers for a plea of guilty that is set on the docket. I mention this so that to the degree possible please use your discretion to stay within the spirit of this agreement. At any time Securus could revoke this privilege or revoke them for an individual attorney that may be misusing the coupons. Secondly, my office will keep and administer the coupons to individual attorneys as the need arises. We have been supplied with the coupons, to obtain them you will need to email Stacy McClinton at and make the request. Should you need any technical assistance please feel free to contact Stacey McClinton for any help concerning Securus, please use her email address and provide a contact number so that she can call if needed.
Please register for Securus now so you can be approved. We will be sending instructions regarding electronic signatures on plea paperwork soon. We have identified those attorneys who are scheduled for pleas on April 8th, 2020 and ask that you please register now with Securus.
Thank you, Henry Garza
How to register as a Private Attorney for Securus Video Visitation Sessions.pdf