Bell County Bar Association News

  • 04/08/2020 4:19 PM | Deleted user

    See notice from Governor Abbott regarding temporary suspension of certain statutes to allow for appearance before Notary Public via videoconference

    4-8-20 Gov. Abbott re notary public.pdf

  • 04/06/2020 3:28 PM | Deleted user

    See Order Extending Suspension of Jury Trial signed by Judge Adams and filed with the District Clerk this afternoon. This order simply extends the suspension of jury trials through May 31, 2020

    Bell Co Dist Cts - Order Extending Suspension of Jury Trials.pdf

  • 04/06/2020 11:51 AM | Cynthia Parker (Administrator)

    SignNow, Electronic signatures

    When a case is ready to plea, our office will be sending you a link to the SignNow application for the signing of plea papers.  After a defendant has agreed to enter a plea of guilty, either to our offer or open, please contact the prosecutor by e-mail.  The link to plea documents will then be sent to you and a link will also be sent to the jail so that your client will be able to sign the plea paperwork electronically.  You will then have the opportunity to go over the paperwork with your client, using the Securus video call system.  E-mail the following address to set up an appointment between 8 am and 4 pm to obtain the defendant’s electronic signature:

    Please state in your e-mail:  defendant’s name, cause number for each case you are requesting a signature, and that you are ready for your client’s signature.

    You will have to set up an appointment on Securus to correspond with the time provided by the jail.  An assigned deputy will then make contact with the defendant in the jail and use the available link for the defendant to electronically sign the necessary paperwork.  You can communicate with your client through Securus while the defendant has the electronic documents in front of him and obtain his signature.  Once you and your client have signed the plea papers, they will then be e-filed by our office with the District Clerk and will be ready for your plea setting.

    We have added a waiver for the defendant to appear by teleconference that will be included in the plea paperwork.

    Here are the Steps:

    1. Contact our office by e-mail to let us know your client is ready to enter a plea.
    2. Wait for link from SignNow containing the plea paperwork.
    3. Set a Securus appointment for a time between 8 am and 4 pm to communicate with your client.
    4. Contact the jail at to inform them of your Securus appointment time to sign the paperwork.
    5. Contact your client at the appointed time and a jailer will provide a tablet to the inmate to obtain his/her signature.
    1. Use the provided link from SignNow for you to electronically sign the paperwork.

    The Securus coupon codes are good for one time use, a code can be used to discuss the plea and plea paperwork in advance, if necessary; and a second code can be used during the appointment to obtain the electronic signature.  Our office will send you a batch of codes to use for this purpose and additional codes can be requested by contacting Stacy McClinton at .

    Signing document.pdf

  • 04/06/2020 10:24 AM | Cynthia Parker (Administrator)


    Bell County Defense Attorney Important Information


    Securus video calls


    Our office has been successful in working an agreement with Securus which will allow a free visit with your client using the Securus video call system.  To be able to access the Securus program you will need to register before you can use it.  Securus has agreed to provide this free of charge service by providing promotion codes (coupons) that you will use to enter the Securus system.  In reaching an agreement with Securus we agreed that these coupons should only be used for the purpose of contacting your client for finalizing the necessary plea papers for a plea of guilty that is set on the docket.  I mention this so that to the degree possible please use your discretion to stay within the spirit of this agreement.  At any time Securus could revoke this privilege or revoke them for an individual attorney that may be misusing the coupons.  Secondly, my office will keep and administer the coupons to individual attorneys as the need arises.  We have been supplied with the coupons, to obtain them you will need to email Stacy McClinton at and make the request.  Should you need any technical assistance please feel free to contact Stacey McClinton for any help concerning Securus, please use her email address and provide a contact number so that she can call if needed. 


    Please register for Securus now so you can be approved.  We will be sending instructions regarding electronic signatures on plea paperwork soon.  We have identified those attorneys who are scheduled for pleas on April 8th, 2020 and ask that you please register now with Securus. 


    Thank you, Henry Garza

    How to register as a Private Attorney for Securus Video Visitation Sessions.pdf

  • 04/03/2020 4:12 PM | Deleted user

    Attorney & Staff Stay at Home Order / Travel Authorization

    4-2-20 OCA Atty and Staff Stay at Home Order and Travel Authorization.pdf

  • 04/03/2020 2:56 PM | Deleted user

    Re: Dockets for 4/13/20 through 5/8/20


    4-3-20 CCL No. 2 Notice re Dockets for weeks 4-13-20 to 5-8-20.pdf

    Dockets (may not be in order)

    4-3-20 CCL No. 2 combined dockets .pdf

Copyright (c) 2022 by the Bell County Bar Association
The Bell County Bar Association is a non-profit organization. Post Office Box 282, Belton, Texas 76513